Summit Hearing Aid Center

Summit Hearing Aid Center Opens Up the World of Sound They Listen…and Help You Hear

Hearing loss is not restricted to the elderly. As Dr. Leslie Herman, Au.D., founder of Summit Hearing Aid Center, points out, 65 percent of people with hearing loss are younger than 65. “Hearing difficulties impact your ability to communicate effectively in subtle and not-so-subtle ways,” she says.

Summit Hearing Aid Center, in the same location for 34 years, provides multiple services for those with hearing difficulties, including diagnostic audiological evaluations, hearing aid evaluations, fittings (including live speech mapping), and tinnitus treatment. The Center also offers musicians’ earplugs and custom earpieces to block out snoring.


“The majority of our clients have difficulty understanding speech clearly when in ambient noise (e.g. restaurants), when there are multiple speakers or when someone is speaking softly,” says Dr. Herman. Treatment begins with an audiological evaluation, and from there, the professional staff will advise on the best course of action ranging from hearing devices to medical consultation.
“We work with the most current technology to address each individual’s hearing needs. We can also help those who experience tinnitus [ringing or buzzing sounds] to make their daily lives less stressful,” says Dr. Herman.

The Center carefully programs each hearing device so that listening is more enjoyable. Says Dr. Herman, “It’s all about improving your quality of life.”

Summit Hearing Aid Center
75 Summit Avenue, Summit  |  908-277-6886

Doctors and Specialist Hearing